You are protected from unanticipated events like theft, vandalism, calamity, repairing, and replacement if you have automobile insurance. To drive in the UAE, you must have current auto insurance. If your insurance has expired and you are driving on Dubai's roads, you might be in legal trouble. Therefore, letting your auto insurance expire is not something you should do! Never forget to obtain or renew your insurance coverage at least 45 days before to the policy's expiration date. Mulkiya ends 15 days prior to the insurance's expiration date, hence the 45-day window is advised. You no longer need to visit your insurer's office to renew or obtain an insurance coverage in this digital age. You may even customize your car insurance in Dubai , and all your insurance requirements are just a click away. Your insurance provider will start notifying you when the term of your insurance policy ends. There are a few things you should be aware of if you wish to renew your insuranc...